A Flashlight in the Dark

A Flashlight in the Dark

There’s a storm.

Lightning strikes in the distance. It begins to creep closer. Rain neither here nor there, but close, so very close. The sky’s greyness begins touching everything. It’s diluting the colors until their saturation goes into only black and white. It begins to get darker, and then you realize that it’s all in your mind. Only a vivid description of how it feels to be hurting, to be stressed, to be in the divide of the mind and body.

Some of the prettiest pictures started in black and white. It wasn’t until later that the artist added color and textures. It it in those times that we truly find ourselves. Some of our storms are blessings in disguise. Storms are naturally occurring after all. Maybe they are present to make a cleared mat so that something else can be built on it. It is usually during these times that we start seeking and asking questions about what speaks to us. We ask ourselves if everything was stripped from us tomorrow, what would still help get us out of bed every morning?

Maybe you never asked yourself this? When it hits you, it is like a bag of bricks in a hot yoga class. It creates a desire for you to began researching because there is a longing for devotion.

What is my calling? Where is my guru?

At WIMG you can find a variety of devotees living their truths. Whether that be subscribing to Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Paganism, they all are here striving for inner connection of the highest love song and they have a love of devotion. The way they accomplish their spiritual goals depends on who you talk to. It might be yoga, it might be meditation, it could be self-study and reading, or it could be basking in the moonlight. One thing is certain, though, you would catch them all singing in the shower!

We all love music, it’s amazing how it brings everyone together regardless of chosen disciplines. It is a powerful gift,


“Music that creates bridges. Music that unites hearts and cultures. Ultimately, it’s music that brings peace.”


If math is the universal language, is it possible music is the native tongue?

If you’re in a dark place in your life, or perhaps the lights have dimmed, then think of this as all of WIMG, their teachers, and their students standing in front of you… Then one of them tosses you a flashlight. It’s your life, it’s your journey, you’ll have to find the next set of batteries.

We all are exploring our life paths. Whether you’re wanting to Feel Good Fast, are looking for Bhakti Awakening, are hoping to , there is a place for you. While you’re looking for your inspiration, remember: it is always darkest before the dawn, but look at the darkness only as a time to give you rest before “finally opening up to love.”

We’ll see you there!


Photo Credit: Carl Kerridge Photography

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