How Will a Tribe of Bunnies Save the World?

How Will a Tribe of Bunnies Save the World?

What is radical self love?

Have you ever even ASKED yourself that question?

When you address yourself, when you look in the mirror and converse with the person gazing back at you — what is the tone of your voice? What kinds of words do you use? How do you navigate conversations with yourself as you move about your day?

Let us guess – it’s not so pretty, right?

Aggressive, mean, condescending, demanding, (you fill in the blank here).

The fact is, most of us have a fixed belief that we are not enough and our internal dialogue confirms this not only on a daily basis, but on a moment to moment basis. We trigger a negative response because of beliefs that are deeply seeded with shame, guilt and feelings of unworthiness.

Do you want to hear the hard truth about this?

The hard truth is that many of us are moving about our day UNCONSCIOUSLY acting out of a place where these beliefs are guiding many of the decisions we make and actions we take.

Do you want to hear the harder truth?

Once we become conscious of it, it does not simply go away, in fact, it can become harder because we are no longer living in ignorance of our birth right to experience radical self love in every moment.

What’s a bunny got to do with it?

Starting November 1st, WIMG Faculty, Katie Silcox is launching the Lineage of Love, her monthly subscription program. Katie can often be heard referring not only to her students as “bunnies” but also to herself as a bunny. Hmmm, interesting to have your yoga teacher call you a bunny, right?

We asked Katie what radical self-love means to her:

For me, this also means loving my own self the way I can so easily love everyone else. Its looking at myself as a precious creature, a perfectly flawed bunny. Yep,a bunny.

So, whats the ONE thing that I started doing on this path to radical, root-down self love? Well, first of all I need to say, its going to sound cheesy. Because guess what? The one we are loving is the most scared, little, tiny part of ourself. So, in my experience, she requires alot of lovey-dovey shit.

Every time I felt and feel myself going into anything that feels not loving (um, downward catastrophe spiral?), I put my hand on my heart and I say OUT LOUD (yes, out loud is important). “My darling, I am right here. And I am strong enough to give you whatever you need.”

Katie is gathering up a TRIBE of bunnies – an army of love warrior bunnies to learn how to speak to and love their own inner bunny so that they may love and see everyone else this way. When true love radiates from within ones own heart – this is the way we will indeed save the world.

#lovebunny #lineageoflove

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